Opening Hours

Opening hours

Mo.–Thursday.: 10–4 p.m.

Sunday and holidays: 11–4 p.m..

Year plan:  calendar 2024 calendar 2025 

Entrance fees: 

Standard: € 3.–

discount: € 2.- for students,  senior citizens, ;  groups (10 people)

discount:  € 1.- for students and apprentices (18 years)

children: 0-10 years     (no charge)

A guided tour (notification!) costs 20 Euros, within the regular opening hours (plus admission fee).

Guided tours outside normal working hours (please call)

No additional charge for guided school class tours (admission only).

Regular guided tours through the museum will be possible on the first Sunday of each month between 2 and 4 p.m. (entrance fee only). Tour will be in German!

For further information please contact Tel. 0931-4041441 (museum), or 0931-404140 (office)

Subject to change


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